muscular dystrophy

How does Hydrotherapy relieve Rheumatic Arthritis?

Rheumatic Arthritis- A peaceful and restorative plunge in a lovely, warm pool is probably on your mind right now. Many types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and inflammatory types likes rheumatoid arthritis, can be treated with Hydrotherapy. HYDROTHERAPY AND ITS BENEFITS Hydrotherapy or Aquatic therapy or Water therapy or Bath therapy is an area of medicine …

How does Hydrotherapy relieve Rheumatic Arthritis? Read More »

Manage your pain and improve your strength after knee- replacement with hydrotherapy

 Total knee replacement (TKR) is a surgical procedure in which articular surfaces of the knee joints are replaced with artificial parts.(Prosthesis) Benefits of hydrotherapy after total knee replacement or arthroplasty : -Buoyancy effect of water relieves body weight allowing for easier walking and functional movements (such as squatting, lunges). -Movement against water provide resistance  to …

Manage your pain and improve your strength after knee- replacement with hydrotherapy Read More »