How does Hydrotherapy relieve Rheumatic Arthritis?

Rheumatic Arthritis- A peaceful and restorative plunge in a lovely, warm pool is
probably on your mind right now. Many types of arthritis, including
osteoarthritis and inflammatory types likes rheumatoid arthritis, can be
treated with Hydrotherapy.


Hydrotherapy or Aquatic therapy or Water therapy or
Bath therapy is an area of medicine that uses the physical properties of water
– such as pressure, temperature – to help people overcome physical and
psychological problems. Many of the procedure and techniques used in
hydrotherapy employ water as a medium to induce thermoregulatory processes for
therapeutic benefit.

Warm baths increase blood flow to stiff muscles and
joints, making them ideal for gentle stretching. So, don’t just sit there; get
warm rather than hot because warm baths are relaxing, on top
  of that they also help circulate blood.

That’s one thing that sets of hydrotherapy apart from
spa treatment or swimming sessions like floatation or sitting in a pool to
unwind. Traditional hydrotherapy entails more than soaking in warm water; it
necessitates efforts.


People with rheumatoid arthritis prefer hydrotherapy,
which is described as supervised exercise in warm water and research have
analyzed the impact of workouts in hot water to exercise on land. In RA, all
types of exercise increase function and well being, and fears of illness
worsening, even with vigorous exercises, have been disproven. Indeed, physical
activity is a significant, although frequently overlooked, risk factors for
cardiovascular disease.

For this treatment, Physiotherapist who has
specialized pool with workout equipment like an exercise bike or a treadmill.
On bike or exercise bike, patient may be able to use bars to perform resistance
workouts. Exercises conducted in a pool where level must be at least waist, chest
or shoulder height.

Many of the exercises are modified from those done on
land, but the water decreases the pressure on ailing joints. Weights,
resistance workouts, stretching, cardio are all included in hydrotherapy for
RA. Soaking in warm water relieves pressure on aching joints, promotes muscular
relaxation, and allows for some fun water resistance exercises.


Water generates resistance, which helps muscles to
develop strength. The removal of gravity, though, is a huge gain. Patients feel
better underwater. They experience less discomfort and more active. When
conducting land therapy, individuals can activate muscles that they don’t
normally use.

PROPERTIES OF WATER -Particularly beneficial to  people diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis

  • PRESSURE – Amount of pressure  increases as depth of water increases ( hydrostatic pressure)
    provides resistance to strengthen muscles.
  • BUOYANCY- It is upward pressure of water. It helps in
    reducing the load on ailing joints and patient can move more easily