Your Heart, Our Priority: Cardio Rehabilitation in Physiotherapy

Cardio Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation, often referred to as cardiac rehab, is a medically supervised program designed to improve the cardiovascular health and overall well-being of individuals who have experienced heart-related issues or undergone heart procedures.

How does Physiotherapy helps in Cardio Rehabilitation?

  • Stress Management: Stress can have a significant impact on cardiovascular health. Physiotherapists may incorporate stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises.
  • Therapeutic Balls and Balance Equipment: These tools can be used for balance training and improving core strength, which Can be important for overall mobility and functional improvement.

Some common exercises used in cardiac rehabilitation

  • Resistance Exercises
  • Flexibility and Stretching Exercises
  • Balance and Coordination Exercises
  • Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Ultrasound Therapy (UST)

  • Muscle Relaxation
  • Soft Tissue Healing
  • Pain Management

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

  • Pain Management
  • Relaxation


Physiotherapy is an integral part of cardiac rehabilitation, focusing on improving cardiovascular health, managing risk factors, providing emotional support, and ensuring a safe and effective recovery for individuals with heart-related conditions.  

A team of Physiotherapists in Alexa Clinic under the guidance of Dr. Shipra Kumari, Chief Physiotherapist and certified Aquatic Therapist (IATF Switzerland). Alexa Clinic is a super-specialty physiotherapy and aquatic therapy clinic first of its kind opened in Kolkata in the in the year 2019. With many accolades and recognition Alexa Clinic has treated more than 10,000 patients suffering from various illnesses.

It’s easy to book an appointment with Dr. Shipra Kumari over a call or visit the 8777694040 websites of Alexa Healthcare.

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