Last Chance Agreement for Performance

As an employee, your job performance is critical to your career success and job security. However, there may be instances where your performance falls short of your employer`s expectations, which can lead to disciplinary action or termination. In these situations, a last chance agreement (LCA) may be an option for both parties to consider.

What is a Last Chance Agreement (LCA)?

A last chance agreement is a legal contract between an employer and an employee that outlines the specific conditions that must be met for the employee to keep their job. This agreement is typically put in place after an employee has received disciplinary action or has been placed on probation due to poor performance. The purpose of an LCA is to provide the employee with a final opportunity to demonstrate and improve their performance, while also providing the employer with a clear understanding of the consequences should the employee fail to meet the conditions outlined in the agreement.

What are the Benefits of an LCA for Employers?

For employers, a last chance agreement can be a valuable tool for managing employee performance. By offering an LCA, an employer can provide their employee with a clear roadmap for improvement, including specific goals and timelines that must be met. This can help both parties to better align their expectations and work together to achieve the desired outcome.

In addition, an LCA can help to protect the employer from future legal action should the employee fail to meet the conditions outlined in the agreement. By having a clear and enforceable contract in place, an employer can demonstrate that they have taken concrete steps to address performance issues and have given the employee a fair opportunity to improve.

What are the Benefits of an LCA for Employees?

For employees, a last chance agreement can provide a valuable lifeline in a precarious situation. Rather than facing immediate termination, an LCA can give an employee a final chance to improve their performance and keep their job. This can provide peace of mind and a sense of security, knowing that they have a clear path forward to meet their employer`s expectations.

In addition, an LCA can also provide an opportunity for employees to receive additional training or support that may be necessary to improve their performance. By working together to identify the specific areas that need improvement, an employee may be able to develop new skills or knowledge that can benefit them in their current and future roles.


If you find yourself in a situation where your job is at risk due to poor performance, a last chance agreement may be worth considering. By providing a clear roadmap for improvement, both you and your employer can work together to achieve the desired outcome. If you are offered an LCA, be sure to carefully review the terms and conditions and seek legal advice if necessary to ensure that you fully understand your rights and responsibilities.